Blog Posts by Octomated GmbH


Octomated is all about digitalization and automation Whether it’s creating a new digital footprint, optimizing current business processes, or getting the most out of existing data, Octomated has the solution. With Octomated, you’re on the path to digital excellence.

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14 January 2023

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Through Cloud Computing With Octomated

Sustainability is an increasingly important aspect of the modern working world. More and more customers are attaching great importance to the fact that companies from which they buy or with which they work pay attention to sustainability. The so-called carbon footprint is a key metric in this regard.

7 January 2023

Outsourcing Competencies And Acting Successfully And Sustainably With Octomated

Automation and sustainability are the buzzwords that modern companies have to deal with. Of course, this cannot be done without setting up modern structures.